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Confidence vs Arrogance: Fear is not my future

New full length video out today!

A weird barrier that people have to becoming braver is they're worried about being "too confident".

They're worried about straying into the realm of what we call arrogance. This actually stops them from developing their courage or sense of self belief, because they think any kind of backing yourself and going for it and upsetting other people is the same as arrogance.

What they don't understand is this is just the fear of social judgment disguising itself as some noble attempt at humility.

You're saying, Look, I'm not going to be confident because I'm a good person. In other words: I'm terrified of what people think of me. And that's all you're saying.

Arrogance is not confidence. Arrogance is a manifestation of the fear of being wrong. Confident people are okay with being wrong, arrogant people are not, and this is the distinguishing difference. Arrogance can look like confidence, but really is just domination, aggression, and need for control.

In this video, we unpack the difference and talk about how to become more courageous and assertive without becoming arrogant.

Watch the full video here:

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